We have not been immune to the Covid-19 virus, so our next performance, ‘LOVE! LOVE? LOVE…’, will go on show in November this year instead of the mid-year time-slot.
Some of our cast and many of our audience fit into the vulnerable health bracket and therefore we don’t wish any additional health risks to them.
We also would hate for you to miss out on this wonderful show, so this is the best solution. The many enthusiastic young cast members are very disappointed not to be performing in May as planned, and they will miss the bi-weekly rehearsals that were a source of much fun and camaraderie.
The songs, skits and costumes in this colourful variety-type show are already coming together, creating a very funny and entertaining production. When it does go to stage, it will be a great celebration for everyone.
In the meantime, we encourage you all to stay safe, keep a lookout for your vulnerable neighbours, and use the opportunity to do all the things that get squeezed out of your usual calendar – go for a walk, have a cuppa with your neighbour (with a 1.5metre distance, on the verandah!), ride a horse, do a jigsaw, read a book, renovate some furniture, dust off the board games, ring up a lonely friend and talk to each other! Love will prevail!
Advertising for November production dates will begin in August, here in the Grapevine and in all the usual places, but if you wish to be put on an email notification list, email your name to mysticmeg@adam.com.au with ‘subscribe to TOTT’ in the subject. You will then be ‘in the know’ in time to book a front row table at every one of our popular events! Visit us on Facebook to find out what’s going on.