Nairne Founders Day ’08

Nairne Founders Day ‘08The pretty Hill’s town of Nairne celebrates its founding families and individuals each year in March by holding a family fun day in its Main Street. On Australia Day 2005, the Nairne Founders Day won the District Council of Mt. Barker’s Community Event 2005 award for its 2004 event.

The idea is to display what the town’s founders contributed and present it in an environment of music, entertainment, family activities and heritage. Visitors are encouraged to wear period or old style costume and to take part in the best costume competition.

There are prizes for adults and children.

A musical background provides a relaxing atmosphere and there are childrens’ games plus the Nairne Founders Trail which involves buying a bag into which is collected up to $40 worth of items ranging from car stickers to various vouchers and other items. A card is stamped at each collection point and completed cards are entered into a draw for a further valuable prize.

Nairne Founders Day ‘08There are stalls featuring local goods and crafts and community groups as well as various displays. A Town Crier will keep visitors informed of upcoming activities. Tickets for a great raffle will be sold which has 18 prizes, the first prize being 3 nights on Kangaroo Island at Eleanor River cottages with Sealink travel for a car, 2 adults and 2 children.

There is a wide range of food available in Main Street shops and a Lions sausage sizzle as well as pub dining in the town’s 2 hotels.
There will be escorted Historic Walks which will explain Nairne’s history in the context of some of its historic buildings. The road is closed for visitor safety.

Nairne Founders Day will be held in 2008 on Sunday, March 9th starting with the parade at 11am (dress up and join the parade) which is followed by the formal opening at 11.10am by Alexander Downer. Period Costume judging will be at 12.45, with the launch of the Nairne Heritage Mural Project taking place at 1.45 p.m. and the raffle being drawn at 2.30 p.m.

