Many Hands Make Light Work
The Mill Road Pocket Forest is a Lobethal Community Association bushfire recovery project. Stage 1 was planted last year and the planting of Stage 2 is about to commence over autumn and into winter this year.
Currently on show at the Mill Road Pocket Forest are pops of purple from Mexican Sage, red Kangaroo Paw and the autumnal leaves of deciduous trees. As the garden grows and the seasons change so will the display.
Project team members Deb, Candice and Kim are looking for people to help. ‘Last year we had 30 people spread over 5 weekends who gave us a hand. ‘
‘We are hoping for a similar turn out this year and welcome both previous participants and new people keen to be involved. Tasks can vary according to people’s interests and abilities but could include planting out tube stock; weeding or wheel-barrowing and spreading mulch’, said Kim Jordan.

The project has been a collaboration with Willunga landscape designer, Evette Sunset. Evette is passionate about the use of carefully considered design to create fire safer gardens. The design principles and plants Evette has recommended are intended to slow down the progress of fire. The Pocket Forest will be a resource to inform people about fire safe garden practices as well as an exciting entrance statement for Lobethal.
Adelaide Hills Council have also been supporting the project with contributions including repairing the footpath next to the garden, adding rocks to retain the soil and converting the Old Mill Road to create a walking loop around the garden.
You meet all sorts of interesting people when you volunteer. The tintype style photograph of the Mill Road Pocket Forest Project team was taken by Peter Stanley. A Lobethal local, Peter is the operator of the Tintype Traveller Mobile Darkroom.
If you would like to lend a hand to plant the forest, meet some interesting people and develop this fabulous community resource, email the project team at lobethal.commuity. association@gmail . com.