Gumeracha Primary School R-7 students, staff and parents worked alongside the Biodiversity Team (Adelaide Hills Council) on National Tree Day for schools, planting over 950 native shrubs and trees along the banks of Kenton Creek. This added valuable understorey to the magnificent gum trees that have stood in Gumeracha’s Federation Park for over 200 years. A community planting session was held in the Park a couple of days later.

The plants were sourced from Kersbrook Landcare and specifically chosen as they are native to the area and will ensure that the creek flow is protected for years to come.
The Torrens Valley Lions Club supported the events with a BBQ lunch for everyone. The students worked quickly to plant and then water-in the tube stocks, and they later enjoyed playing in the glorious sunshine while the BBQ was cooking.
“We love working with the community on achieving a positive environmental outcome,” Tonia Brown said (Adelaide Hills Council Biodiversity Officer).
“The students, especially, walk away with a great connection to their environment and a proud sense of contributing to its health. They will think of these lessons as they watch their seedlings grow.”