Welcome to the first ‘Special Online Edition’ of Along The Grapevine!
By Kendrea Rhodes
In April this year, Kalyra Communities purchased the retirement village on Tolmer Road in Woodside. An exciting time was expected because community get-togethers and information nights usually result in pleasant hospitality, new friendships and entertainment! But we all know how April panned out this year with the advent of COVID-19. The scheduled social gatherings and extra benefits that Kalyra brings to Woodside were rethought, repackaged and redelivered—much like everything else, world-wide.
Kalyra Woodside Village contains 83 retirement homes and is an exciting addition to the district. It complements Kalyra’s Help at Home services already available in the Onkaparinga Valley and residential care and other retirement living options in Belair and McLaren Vale.
Kalyra Communities is the 2019 South Australian Aged Care Provider of the Year. With a base at 6 Mann Street in Mount Barker, Kalyra can provide enhanced support within the Adelaide Hills. Sara Blunt, Kalyra Chief Executive Officer said, “We hope that moving into the bigger office in Mann Street will send a strong message that we’re very much committed to supporting older people living independently in the Hills.”
Kalyra’s Help at Home is a valuable and flexible service provided within a person’s own home, allowing them to continue living independently. Help at Home staff can assist with domestic work, cooking, nursing, exercise, administration, maintenance, transport and so much more, please visit their website to see a full list.
Ms Blunt said, “We have an option to suit every need and our staff are incredible. They understand that it’s a privilege to be invited into someone’s home to provide support. It really is a partnership developed through trust and respect, with the kind of care that has been synonymous with Kalyra for over 125 years.”
The James Brown Memorial Trust was set up in 1892, due to the amazing drive and determination of his wife, Jessie Brown. The Trust has cared for TB and polio sufferers, provided specialist hospice services and supported the disadvantaged over 125 years. Today the Trust focuses on Kalyra Communities and its retirement living, Help at Home, memory support, affordable housing and residential care options.
Kalyra are also able to offer the new short-term Commonwealth Home Support Packages.
The array of services that Kalyra offer are well worth reading, please visit their website for a full explanation: www.kalyra.org.au or call them on 8278 5444.
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